Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 4

This is where you find the real, originals of the best of the best. here are some you might find:

  1. Shrigga (see fig. 1)
  2. Nigward (see fig. 2)
  3. Squigger (see fig. 3)
  4. shrekward (see fig. 4)
  5.  shriggward (coming soon) 
  6. Shrek (coming soon) 

Please donate

This website and organisation is run and created by children mostly under the age of 14 and are therefore uneligible to apply into the workforce. Please donate money so we can improve our website and help our organization grow in number.

© 2019 SCTN 644 dogwood trail, Tennessee 37110
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